2022 SAGE with IASP Book Royalties Nurse Education Award (S.Wright) deferred due to COVID19

2022 SAGE with IASP Book Royalties Nurse Education Award (S.Wright) deferred due to COVID19

Due to COVID19 the SAGE with IASP Book Royalties Nurse Education Award for Postgraduate Nurse Registration for the IASP World Congress in Pain, is deferred until the next IASP World Congress in Pain

The SAGE with IASP co-publication ‘Pain Management in Nursing Practice’ (December 2014)  is  the publication of the 1st  IASP Nursing Curriculum as well as the 1st publication of a specific IASP Curriculum for any pain specialty. Self- funded  as a ‘payback’ project, author Shelagh Wright is donating the SAGE with IASP Book Royalties to nurse education in pain management, with permission from HMR&C, UK to pay associated taxes in Ireland.

Pain Management in Nursing Practice – History

In response to an invitation from SAGE publishers in 2011 to write a textbook on pain management, I enquired if it would be possible to collaborate with the International Association for the Study of Pain (IASP) to write the IASP nursing curriculum into book format. The editors of SAGE (Mr Alex Clabburn) and IASP (Professor Maria Adele Giamberardino, Editor in Chief) very kindly agreed to discuss the idea of collaboration on the first book format of an IASP Curriculum.

After a two-year negotiation process between the Senior Editors and the Editorial Boards of publishers SAGE and the IASP, permission was granted in the last week of December 2012.

Writing on the book began in January 2013 and was completed towards the end of 2014. The book, published in December 2014, has received very positive reviews.

I was especially honoured to have the book launched at the Irish Pain Society 15th Annual Scientific Meeting (IPS15ASM) on 26th September 2015 in Dublin by the then President of IASP, Professor Rolf-Detlef Treede.

I would like to thank the Editors and Boards of SAGE and IASP,  past President of IASP, Professor Rolf-Detlef Treede, past IPS President, Professor Laserina O’Connor (RIP), IPS President, Professor David Finn, Officers and Committee of the Irish Pain Society for their support and encouragement for this prestigious book project which was a huge privilege for me.

Shelagh Wright, PhD; C.Psychol., Ps.S.I. PGCAT; RGN; Retired Lecturer in Psycho-oncology, DCU; Retired  RM