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Autogenic Training Ireland Mission Statement:

‘enabling self-empowerment through Autogenic Training to improve health and well-being.’


Dr. Wright is an excellent navigator through the Autogenic Training course. Approachable, and passionate about the practice, Dr. Wright encouraged and supported me throughout the process. Autogenic training is deceptively simple yet powerful in its results. I highly recommend that anyone, at whatever stage in their Chronic Pain journey, should complete Autogenic Training.   N.E.

I attended  Dr Shelagh Wright’s Autogenic Training (AT) course through Chronic  Pain Ireland. It is an excellent course and  since completing it I have practiced AT daily and it gives me total relaxation in my body and mind.  It works deeply and subtly.  Now I have a self regulation tool that helps me manage my pain,  improves my sleep,  mood and promotes well being on every level. Who wouldn’t want to have it…  all you need are a few minutes every day. D.L.

A ten weeks AT course at the beginning of 2017 was run in conjunction with Chronic Pain Ireland and was facilitated by Dr. Shelagh Wright. Initially I found it difficult to settle into the course ,as it was so new to me, but within a short time found it very worthwhile. Autogenic Training is a practice that takes time to learn. Dr. Wright was very patient and thorough, always making sure that we understood each aspect of the training. The classes were very well structured and detailed hand-outs  were given each week. There was also time given for feedback and an opportunity to see how others were doing in the group. I am grateful to have been given this opportunity and thanks to Dr. Shelagh Wright and Chronic Pain Ireland. M.T.

Autogenic Training has changed my life for the better in so many ways.  I use it everyday – for relaxation, reducing stress, increasing focus and energy, pain relief and improving mood. It is a wonderful tool. C.I.

I can honestly say that AT works.  It is deceptively simple and promotes a strong sense of inner calm – independent of the need for any special equipment, recordings etc. My pain increases considerably once the temperature drops in wintertime, but AT helped me to navigate cold weather through relaxing my body, maintaining a more holistic connection between my body and my mind and promoted a sense of wellness and control.  E.P.

I completed the AT course with Shelagh earlier this year. It was a wonderful experience and Shelagh is a genuinely caring and competent facilitator who helped me understand my body living with chronic pain as well as the autogenic state experienced through practicing the AT exercises. I have benefited hugely especially with my anxiety and self management of my illness. I continue to practice daily. Thank you sincerely Shelagh. I cannot recommend your expertise enough. A.K.

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